Friday, April 12, 2013


- JJ o que te passa pela cabeça quanto bates no mano e empurras os meninos na escola?
- A minha cabeça está cheia de pilhas e faz barulhos

Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 2 of school

The first week of school has come and gone.
No problems, no crying..
Yesterday it was sunday and J asked about why he wasn't going to school. We tried to explain it what a  weekend was. I don't think he understood.
M got a bad cough and had a bad night that I think is going to last... no fever.. yet
M loves to get under J's bed and lay on a huge fluffy dog. He laughs like crazy when he is there.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First day of school

First day of school was great fun.
We woke up really early so that J could slowly wake up. He doesn't really like to get out of bed early or when we make him.
M had did something to his bed.. he decided to take his diaper out and pop all over.
When he arrived at school we took M to his new classroom. On the way there we saw his former teacher but he was in no mood to talk with her, soo shy...
There was just another boy there and Ma was also there. J sat at a table and started playing with some toys. We then moved to another room where lots of kids where playing with dough. After a good 10min, J decided to explore the new school but it only lasted a few seconds..
As a lot of kids had gone to the playground we walk there and J went playing on the sand box. After that we kiss him goodbye and he gave us a good hug and he said to me "I like my dad very much"
We called after lunch: he was great.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Tonight is the last night my son has with any really responsibility.
Tomorrow he starts school. It's really preschool but I guess the routines and the life in this house are really going to change.
There will be a strict schedule. The alarm clock will start the day for the whole family and not just for me or my wife.
We have been blessed with a real fun son. I'm having a great time has a dad.
He still speaks a language difficult to understand but everyday he knows new words and articulates larger sentences.
I think he feels something is up for tomorrow.
When he went to bed he decided to throw to his brother bed a huge teddy bear.. we have no idea why..